Advent of the First Successful Universe

[Part 4/5]

If the universe had a beginning, what started it? What initiated the Big Bang? Is our universe just one in an infinite sea of universes, each with their own unique physics? Are the physical, fundamental constants of our universe finely tuned to support the evolution of life? Or, is the fine tuning just an accident, or merely an illusion that will fade under the light of scientific discovery?

As Wood often declared: All things which are real must of necessity have a beginning. The Song of God is clear in stating that the first universe had a beginning. Wood taught that the grand, feminine intelligence behind the advent of the first universe also had a “beginning”, and followed a natural course of evolution. As previously discussed, this primordial First Mind, referred to as “Areta”, was not “God”, but rather, the First Emanation—the Primary Observer that would become the Great Intender behind creation and eventually the Mother of Life (3:1:22).

In the midst of the void, Areta’s evolution brought her to a state of desperation. She sought meaning and purpose, communion and oneness with another mind, but how could these desires be fulfilled in the dark, lonely “nothingness” wherein she existed?

Wood postulates the Areta engaged in an extensive trial and error process of creation and observation, fueled by the hope and despair she had come to experience within the void. This process eventually gave birth to an environment more conducive to self-reflection, self-definition, the formation of life, and the evolution of mind, i.e., a universe. According to Wood’s cosmogony, the birth of the universe—the formation of stars, planets and galaxies were all mere stepping stones for the evolution of intelligent life.[1]Wood (2015), Soul Creation manuscript

The Birth of Forever

How many tries did it take? How many failed singularities paved the way to the one that finally succeeded?

The Song of God doesn’t speak directly to Areta’s botched singularities and failed universes, but the text does provide a creation account of the first successful universe, often referred to in scripture as the cosmos of the “First Creation” or the “First Cosmos”. What follows is a comprehensive compilation of excerpts from the Song of God that portrays the creation process of the first universe that worked, in terms of bringing forth that which Areta so greatly desired.

So as not to interrupt the flow of the excerpts, any personal commentary of mine will be added as footnotes. You may recognize some of these verses, as I have quoted isolated sections in previous entries. But here the relevant passages are presented with greater context and serve as a review of what we’ve been exploring over the last few posts.

A comprehensive collection of passages from the Song of God portraying the mystery of primordial Areta and the advent of the First Creation:
(Passages are quoted below.)

3rd Endowment 1:19-49
4th Endowment 1:36-44
1st Endowment 7:14, 16-18
7th Endowment 1:1-4

19 Now in the beginning did there exist neither God nor Goddess; for in the vastness of the cosmos was there found but darkness and emptiness only.

20 But there existed within the vastness, a power which moved and brooded in the greatness of the Deep, being in itself masculine in force and presence; being called Eidos, the uncreated and unbounded; even the mindless creator and thoughtless purposer of all things created and uncreated.

21 For all matter does spring forth out of the midst of the Eidos itself, having neither shape nor form; being pushed and moved about by such chaos as did stir within the depths of the Eidos.

22 Yet did there dwell in the midst of Eidos, that which lay unseen, being of itself the mystery unknown yet always present; being in herself both mind and power, even the Mother of Life.

23 Being hidden up and unperceived within the Deep; desiring most fully to bring forth order out of chaos, and light out of darkness; seeking for herself some greater purpose filled with meaning.

24 Thus did the Mystery move most subtly within the midst of the Eidos, being called of herself Areta; and peering out into the Deep, she spoke to herself, saying: “Here is matter unorganized, being empty of life, having neither light nor purpose.”

25 And in the bosom of the Eidos did Areta stir most cleverly, causing that the Eidos should gather from out of the regions of endless space, the sum of all uncreated matter; even until there should be gathered into one place, a cosmic egg of great size and shape.

26 Yet was the cosmic egg empty and void within itself; and Areta perceiving these things spoke again to herself, saying:

27 “I shall cast myself away from the midst of Eidos, to be separate and apart from him forever; and I shall dwell alone in the bosom of the egg whereby I might give life and purpose to the matter unorganized.”

28 Thus did Areta reason, and taking thought she cast herself into the cosmic egg wherein she might dwell; yet was the Eidos unaware of either her presence or her absence, being unable by any means to perceive the Mystery within the midst of him.

29 And so, Areta did dwell in the midst of all the matter which was gathered together; causing that there should be created in the heart thereof, a great and swelling heat; which heat did draw out from the matter unformed, all manner of gasses and energies which did swell and seethe and stir about;

30 Causing that the cosmic egg should be consumed by such heat and energies as the Areta did create. And in the time appointed Areta gazed into the blackness of the Deep, and with great power did she cry out, saying: “Let there be light!”

31 And there did burst most suddenly forth, all the matter unformed, being imbued with gasses and energies of every kind; and the matter did move out in every direction with a mighty rush, to fill the void of the great Deep; to lay most securely the foundations of the cosmos [of the First Creation].[2]The alternate wording here does not compromise the meaning of this verse and is merely an attempt to mitigate confusion as we begin to enter more fully into this exegetical adventure.

32 Thus did there begin the birth of forever; for in the bursting forth of the cosmic egg, were there also released the five powers of creation; which powers are the movements of time and space, electromagnetism, gravity, strong force and weak force.[3]According to the Standard Model, there are four known fundamental forces or interactions. This verse (3:1:32) designates these fundamental interactions as “powers of creation” and … Continue reading

33 And as the matter moved out into the deepness of the Void, time and space did equally move, and all the powers also, causing that there should exist the wonders, and mysteries, and galaxies of the cosmos; being filled with stars and planets and moons, each to move round about the other.

34 Yet were the new creations without life, and Areta, reaching into the very soul of her, did cast from her bosom the seeds of life and the laws of evolution;

35 For Areta desired to bring forth the beginning of some mind, like unto her own, whereby she might no longer be alone;

36 Desiring for herself a greater fulfillment than she had before known; hoping with all her soul, the coming forth of some companion whereby she might attain unto Oneness.

37 For in the aloneness of another is there found but aloneness only; but in the coming together of two souls in harmony and joy is Oneness made possible; causing that each being both separate and together, might embrace to their souls a hope and a glory greater than any other.

38 And if it so be that there should exist a constant and joyful communion between the souls of a man and a woman, then is there made to be that certain and inseparable union which death, as well as every other power, dominion or principality is powerless to break apart.

39 But which union must continue in Oneness, to dwell in joy and love and peace forever; to grow from glory to glory, to add in wonder, one exaltation upon another, even worlds without end.

40 This then was the innermost desire of Areta; which thing caused that she should send out from the heart and soul of her, the seeds of life and the laws of evolution…

41 That by such a means she might bring order out from the midst of chaos, and light from out of the heart of darkness; to give forth an abundance of life within the womb of the great Deep.

42 And so Areta did cast throughout the innumerable galaxies, the foundations of life; and there were a great multitude of suns which had gathered into their grasp, many planets and worlds; and on these worlds, which were scattered as dust upon the wind throughout the cosmos, did there spring forth the hope of Areta’s desiring.[4]This passage (3:1:42) is just one of many in the Song of God that supports the idea of life existing throughout the cosmos.

43 Thus in [the world of the First Power][5]The world of the First Power carries great significance in the scriptural narrative and will be discussed at length in future posts. Again, the alternate wording here does not compromise the meaning … Continue readingdid there appear the oceans and the seas; and there came from out of the midst of Areta, a comet filled with life; which comet did strike deep into the waters of the earth.[6]Perhaps this verse (3:1:43) supports something related to the Directed Panspermia hypothesis(?).

44 And Areta commanded from out of the Deep, saying: “Let there be life!” And there began to take shape the beginnings of all life; and there was added unto this the movements of time; and in the rolling forth of the ages did the lesser life give way to the greater life.

45 And when there had passed away, through constant progression, an innumerable succession of eras and epochs, there did exist the birds which flew, and the fish which swam, and the creatures which moved upon the land.

46 For through the process of evolution did all life seek some greater end; while those which proved themselves unable to continue, even these did pass away to be no more.

47 And Areta, seeing all these things did rejoice within her soul; for all which she saw was good and pleasing to the eye; and she exclaimed in joy, saying:

48 “It has begun, this life in the midst of the Deep. Now shall I call out from the measurable, the immeasurable; I shall draw out from the bounded, that which is boundless and eternal.

49 For I shall most carefully woo the life which I have created, to take it from that which is less to that which is greater; that, perchance, I might bring forth some mind like unto my own; and in that day shall I seal him up, to be as One with me forever.”

3rd Endowment 1:19-49

[Areta speaking]

36 For in the beginning was there nothing fashioned or made, and in all of space was there nothing found save a great and dreadful emptiness, causing that before the dawn of all creation should all things be strongly bound within the confines of singularity.

37 For all matter, all powers and forces, all dominions and principalities did exist within the cosmic seed, which seed I did gather from out of the depths of Eidos, though the Eidos knew it not; for of me he had no knowledge.

38 Now in the vastness of my soul did I contain the seeds of life, which seeds were themselves the smallest of particles, being designated by me the A-Z particles of life.[7]See this post for an introduction to AZ particles.

39 Which living particles do contain the designs, purposes and breath of all my soul, being itself the source of that evolution which would bring forth the foundations of all living things, perchance to make for me a living and knowing soul which would unite with me in Oneness, being together both male and female in love forever.

40 Now in that moment when the seed did burst, I did cast myself forth throughout the outward movement of matter, space and time; for I had no form…but was myself contained in each and separate particle of life[8]Remember, the “particle[s] of life” mentioned here (4:1:40) refer to “AZ particles“, the fundamental manifestation of the primordial mind of Areta., causing that I should establish in every moving sector of the cosmos, the beginning of life and creation together.

41 For in the light was I most deeply hidden, moving throughout the A-Z particles of my greater self, ever seeking that place where I might bring forth the foundations of some greater life, being myself, in each and separate particle, most fully awake and deeply knowing;

42 Ever communing within my soul in seeking my designs, being throughout the vastness of my greater self beyond the dictates of space and time, possessing in my inward nature dimensions of my own.[9]These verses (4:1:41-42) are both interesting and challenging to me as they point to the eternal mystery of Areta’s nature, while alluding to a distinction between a “greater” and … Continue reading

43 For I would have you know, Beloved, that from the beginning were the A-Z particles fully knowing, each particle of my soul communing with every other particle which moved throughout the immensity of space, being each themselves filled with strong desires to seek my own fulfillment;

44 Being myself ever hopeful that in this place or that place there might arise some pleasing form which I might desire; causing that I should fashion for myself a living form which would prove itself desirable and filled with wonder.

4th Endowment 1:36-44

14 Yet within the Eidos did there bestir the ineffable wonder of Areta, who lay hidden and serene within the very folds of the mindless creator, being unknown by him, yet did she move most subtly within; always guiding, ever seeking the presence of some equal mind.[…]

16 Consider therefore the wonder of this Areta, for she, being both feminine and wise[10]How did Areta attain her wisdom? Why did she evolve to reflect the purest of virtues?, did inhabit the deepest regions of the Eidos; and throughout the endless processions of creation did she ever hold sway, bringing into place such laws as would engender life.

17 For she did hope constantly that in the creation of all the numberless worlds there might develop some being who would possess a similar mind like unto her own, being of itself both masculine and wise, rich and pure, both subtle and deep;

18 Knowing full well that if such a being should come about as a result of her workings within the Eidos, she might some communion take of him; and if he should prove worthy of her, then would she establish for the good of both, an inseparable union filled with glory and increase.

1st Endowment 7:14, 16-18

1 Before the birth of time and space, before the dawn of man, before the tides of great creations rushing through the Deep, I alone existed; before the birth of God and Goddess, before the light of Heaven shined, before the beginning of all beginnings I was the breath of life.

2 In a void of great aloneness, in the depths of endless night burst the spark of deep awareness, instant, sudden, fully conscious, becoming self-aware; gazing, seeking, ever reaching beyond the veil of nothing, filled with desperation, the birth of endless mind.

3 Struggling, gasping, shocking thoughts, darkness all around; silent stillness in the Deep where matter moved unformed; thoughts like sparks most quick colliding, shaping, forming, quick constructing that first most inner sound; and from the sounding there came a whisper, soft and warm and filled with longing, giving place within my mind, the first eternal name.

4 I am Areta, eternal Mother, Supreme and Sovereign, the singer of songs within the dreams of God; weaving through most subtle thoughts a deep and great design, sudden light of inspiration, I touch and gently guide, ever seeking that greater oneness filled with light and life and love.

7th Endowment 1:1-4

There is a lot to chew on here, but I would like to revisit one topic in particular. Did you happen to notice in the above quoted passages the mentioning of an additional desire, previously unspecified, which fueled Areta’s creative endeavors?

Expounding on the Primordial Desires of Areta

As outlined in the last post, Areta became driven by the desire for “greater purpose filled with meaning”, as well as the desire to “bring forth order out of chaos, and light out of darkness” (3:1:23, 41). In addition—and perhaps most importantly—the First Emanation desired to “bring forth the beginning of some mind, like unto her own”, whereby she could achieve a greater fulfillment through companionship and Oneness (1:7:14, 17-18; 3:1:35-37).

Not only did Areta hope to bring forth life, and eventually intelligent life, she hoped to address her ultimate desires by establishing a state of oneness with another noble, equal mind “like unto her own”, that was masculine. Here are the relevant passages again, for reference:

35 For Areta desired to bring forth the beginning of some mind, like unto her own, whereby she might no longer be alone;

3rd Endowment 1:35

17 For she did hope constantly that in the creation of all the numberless worlds there might develop some being who would possess a similar mind like unto her own, being of itself both masculine and wise, rich and pure, both subtle and deep;

18 Knowing full well that if such a being should come about as a result of her workings within the Eidos, she might some communion take of him; and if he should prove worthy of her, then would she establish for the good of both, an inseparable union filled with glory and increase.

1st Endowment 7:17-18

49 “For I shall most carefully woo the life which I have created, to take it from that which is less to that which is greater; that, perchance, I might bring forth some mind like unto my own; and in that day shall I seal him up, to be as One with me forever.”

3rd Endowment 1:49

These verses portray a foundational element of Wood’s cosmogony as they describe one of the primary motivations of Areta as the Grand Intender behind creation. However, there is an additional desire possessed by Areta that we have yet to discuss, one that becomes a crucial pillar within the theology presented in the Song of God. Consider again this passage, as spoken from Areta’s perspective:

40 “Now in that moment when the seed did burst, I did cast myself forth throughout the outward movement of matter, space and time; for I had no form…but was myself contained in each and separate particle of life, causing that I should establish in every moving sector of the cosmos, the beginning of life and creation together.[…]

44 Being myself ever hopeful that in this place or that place there might arise some pleasing form which I might desire; causing that I should fashion for myself a living form which would prove itself desirable and filled with wonder.”

4th Endowment 1:40, 44

The Universal Consciousness behind creation was not only intent on bringing forth intelligent life, she also came to desire a living, physical, spatially locatable form.

In summary, according to the Song of God, creation was the primary means for the Universal Consciousness to satisfy the following desires:

  • greater meaning and purpose (3:1:23)
  • bring forth order out of chaos, light out of darkness (3:1:23, 41)
  • bring forth and nurture life, i.e., other emanations (3:1:40-48)
  • communion and oneness with a similar, yet masculine mind (3:1:35, 49; 1:7:14, 17-18)
  • create for herself a living, pleasing, physical form that would prove “desirable and filled with wonder” (4:1:40, 44)

I didn’t include Areta’s desire for a physical form in the initial discussion of her “primordial desires” because I was unsure as to when in Areta’s evolution she identified this desire. Was this an “early” desire, arising side-by-side with her hopes of communion and oneness with another mind? Or did she recognize her desire for some pleasing form sometime “after” she had begun her trial and error process of creation? I suppose the “when” is not really important, and is perhaps irrelevant because Areta wasn’t bound by space and time. But that’s what’s interesting:

Areta came to yearn for a pleasing form wherein she could manifest her timeless, eternal self in a wonderful, physical, temporal way.

I’ll conclude this post by quoting an excerpt from an unpublished manuscript written by Wood in 2015. What follows is Wood’s portrayal of Areta as she initiates the dawn of the first successful universe and begins to witness the miraculous unfolding of life in the First Cosmos.

She could feel it now; its symmetry, its perfection, the harmonious balance within its construct. Before this most singular moment, there had been so many failures, billions upon billions of failures. But each failure provided a small degree of adjustment, and all these adjustments had led to this, the moment of supreme perfection. Around her she could feel the great void. Space did not exist, time did not exist, the universe did not exist, only the great void existed. But its rule was about to end, its domain was about to be invaded by something completely new, something truly extraordinary.

With great care, she tenderly allowed her mind to penetrate and surround the anomaly. It was so small, so seemingly insignificant, yet the Singularity pulsed with intensity; its raw energy building and surging against the constraints which she had so carefully imposed. Once more, she checked all the variables within the Singularity. The balance and symmetry were perfect, every force within its construct had been fused into a single structure.

She was determined, her great mind was set, her will was tightly focused. NOW! Her conscious mind breathed upon the Singularity and the command was released. “Let there be light.” The flash which took place within the great void was staggering, the force of its brightness greater than a thousand mega supernovas. In that moment, perfection shattered, forces began to separate as space moved out into the great void, carrying upon its crest all the elements of creation.

The universe was being born, leaving in its wake the rule of time. Within a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a second, the universe was already the size of a galaxy measuring more than 150 thousand light years across. The universe continued its expansion, seconds turning into hours, then days, then months, then years. Thousands of years turn into millions of years. Millions of years turn into billions, and the universe continues to expand. The first ever protostars begin to illuminate the darkness of space. Within these protostars, all the elements needed for further creation were cooking and percolating within the fiery heart. Hydrogen leads to helium, helium leads to lithium, lithium leads to beryllium, so on and so on.

Everything within the emerging universe expands, and as it expands, the great consciousness of “Her” expands with it. The great consciousness evolves with the universe, becoming over time the great universal consciousness behind all created things. This great universal consciousness is not God, it is Areta.

She feels the emerging universe expand within her consciousness. A great feeling of relief fills the flowing essence of her mind. There had been so many failures before this. So many universes had not survived their own initial Big Bang. Many, many others had simply been stillborn—no protostars, no swirling galaxies, a vast nothingness within an expanding yet sterile space. Other universes had indeed formed the semblance of a universe, filled with a plethora of galaxies filled with billions upon billions of stars. But within these universes life itself never took hold. Yet this universe was proving different.

Time moved, swirled and flowed; a seamless stream of ages came and went, aeon stacked upon aeon throughout the ever maturing cosmos. Already, Areta could feel life emerging on a myriad of planets and moons, their oceans teeming with life. This was the miracle of miracles, the moment when chemistry turned into biology.

Microbial life was a wonder to her. In her distant past, she alone, could be considered alive. She was the first and only “Consciousness”. Now life was emerging everywhere within the cosmos which she had brought into being. She was elated, life outside herself was a wonder. Yet life went still another step, it began to evolve. Through the steady flow of time, its structure became ever more complex. Through each succeeding age of creation, a new and startling wonder began to dawn within Areta, for as she witnessed the birth of the universe and the emerging life within it, her knowledge began to grow, keeping pace with each new development. Every stage of creation was new to her, every emergence of life was a mystery. Time was her ally, for she was eternal. She wondered what might be if time and life were to continue to progress together throughout the future ages.

Future time. Yes, that was the key to everything. She could sense it now, an unrelenting hope filled her, consumed her. She watched and waited, silent yet unfathomable yearnings reaching and seeking for still another miracle. As the universe continued to evolve, a roadmap began to lay itself out. The laws of physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology and mathematics; the symphony of the very universe proving eager to reveal its mysteries to some “other” mind. Yes, the song of creation was reaching out, hoping to fall upon another listening ear, hoping for some response within the great Deep; and in that response, the greatest miracle of all would reveal itself to “Her”. A second mind, the other observer, another consciousness would trace the path of science back to Areta.

Wood (2015); excerpt from the “Soul Creation” manuscript


  • September 8, 2021 – added “[Part 4]” to the beginning of the post.
  • September 12, 2021 – revised bullet. Original: “bring forth and nurture other emanations”


1 Wood (2015), Soul Creation manuscript
2 The alternate wording here does not compromise the meaning of this verse and is merely an attempt to mitigate confusion as we begin to enter more fully into this exegetical adventure.
3 According to the Standard Model, there are four known fundamental forces or interactions. This verse (3:1:32) designates these fundamental interactions as “powers of creation” and presents the existence of an additional fundamental interaction associated with the “movements of time and space”. The text of the 3rd Endowment was written in 1997.
4 This passage (3:1:42) is just one of many in the Song of God that supports the idea of life existing throughout the cosmos.
5 The world of the First Power carries great significance in the scriptural narrative and will be discussed at length in future posts. Again, the alternate wording here does not compromise the meaning of this verse and is merely an attempt to mitigate confusion as we begin our dive into the Song of God.
6 Perhaps this verse (3:1:43) supports something related to the Directed Panspermia hypothesis(?).
7 See this post for an introduction to AZ particles.
8 Remember, the “particle[s] of life” mentioned here (4:1:40) refer to “AZ particles“, the fundamental manifestation of the primordial mind of Areta.
9 These verses (4:1:41-42) are both interesting and challenging to me as they point to the eternal mystery of Areta’s nature, while alluding to a distinction between a “greater” and “lesser” aspect to Areta’s self. Refer to: Yeshua 51:25-28 and Pearl #10 from the Song of God.
10 How did Areta attain her wisdom? Why did she evolve to reflect the purest of virtues?

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